
Public Involvement/Outreach

Effective public outreach is critical to the success of any project. From the first stage of every project, SRI develops a proactive and open process to educate people and encourage their involvement in projects and decisions that affect their communities. We utilize a variety of traditional and progressive services to reach out to the public, with sensitivity to linguistic, cultural and geographic challenges that may influence the exchange of ideas, concerns and values. We concentrate on reaching all people, including the retired, underserved, minority, and ethnic communities, as well as residents with low literacy rates and limited English proficiency (LEP).

Agency Coordination/Consensus Building

Most projects involve collaboration with government agencies, boards, elected officials and organized interest groups. Effective communication and coordination of services are critical to timely and successful project completion. We help our clients and communities understand public policy and differing viewpoints, and find ways to build consensus for a common goal. We encourage participants to share their perspectives through activities designed to arrive at a mutually beneficial plan.

We assist in establishing steering committees, technical working groups and peer review committees with specific tasks to accomplish at each meeting. We promote working sessions and charrettes to build group consensus and generate positive outcomes. Our visioning workshops further advance each project. SRI’s services ensure effective, continuous and inclusive communication between the people, agencies and organizations involved in a project, including the timely review of documents and project data.

At the end of each work day, our clients should be one step closer to their goal.